Becoming Canadians: Achieving Dreams at the Remai Modern


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Remai Modern, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Justice & Peace

In a world where achieving goals is a universal pursuit, the Remai Modern in Saskatoon hosted a remarkable event – a citizenship ceremony. At this Enhanced Citizenship Ceremony, ICC celebrated not only individual accomplishments, but also the power of collective aspirations. This extraordinary gathering served as a reminder that setting and achieving goals is an essential part of our human experience.

Presiding Official Major Mark Rosin administered the oath of citizenship and celebrated 30 individuals from 8 countries as Canadian citizens.


Number of New Citizens


Number of Countries

The heart of the event revolved around individuals sharing their stories at ICC’s signature roundtable discussions. They spoke of their goals when recounting their journeys, filled with challenges and triumphs, setbacks and successes. These stories highlighted the determination, perseverance, and resilience required to turn dreams into reality.

“It was my dream to start my own business and build my own house and Canada provided me with that opportunity and I’m forever grateful for this.” – New Canadian Citizen

The ceremony at the Remai Modern in Saskatoon was more than just a gathering; it was a celebration of the humanity’s boundless capacity to dream, to work diligently, and to achieve great success. Against the backdrop of artistic beauty and diverse aspirations, attendees were reminded that goals, both personal and collective, are the driving force behind innovation, progress, and positive change.

Photos and More Information

To view photos of the Citizenship Ceremony, click here.

With ICC’s Enhanced Citizenship Ceremonies, established Canadians have the ability to connect with new citizens building stronger community relationships. If you are interested in volunteering as a roundtable host at one of our ceremonies, please contact


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Building Citizenship
Ceremony Photos
New Canadians at citizenship ceremony.
New Canadians at citizenship ceremony.
Guest speaker at Canadian Citizenship ceremony.


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Building Citizenship
Ceremony Photos