Terry has been the President & CEO of the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada (RAMWC) since June 2019 when he was given the mandate to transform and grow the museum. Since then, he has led the construction of the new museum, finishing ahead of schedule and under budget—a remarkable feat in COVID times—and has seen the museum through a very successful first year. Terry was also responsible for spearheading the museum’s $48 million Climb Aboard! Capital Campaign.

Terry brings an impressive track record of leadership experience and innovation to RAMWC. With more than 20 years of international leadership experience, he has successfully spearheaded four capital campaigns, totaling more than $250 million. Prior to RAMWC, he was Vice President of Fund Development, Marketing and Communications for Christian Children’s

Fund of Canada and has served as President & CEO of Bridgepoint Hospital Foundation, as Vice President of University of Ontario, and as a foreign diplomat for the United Nations in Moscow and Geneva.

Terry has extensive experience advancing research by forging strategic alliances with corporations and senior levels of government. At the University of Ontario, he led the university’s role in creating the largest Automotive Centre of Excellence in Canadian history. At Bridgepoint, Terry led an initiative to create a national centre of excellence in Indigenous health.

In addition, he spent seven years living and working in Eastern Europe, helping to pioneer and establish a micro-enterprise development organization that created and sustained numerous businesses and jobs throughout Eastern Europe and Russia. Terry also created an NGO that has enabled thousands of inner-city youth in Slovakia to experience the joy of sport regardless of physical or financial ability.

Terry’s awards include Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee Commemorative Medal for “making a significant contribution to Canada and impacting literally thousands of lives through humanitarian service”, and the University of Western Ontario’s Alumni Award of Merit.

Irene Compton is co-founder of Minwaashin Lodge celebrating 30 years of work there. She is an inter-generational survivor of the residential school system. Her work at the lodge supports women survivors of lethal violence, assisting them with safety plans, stabilization, healing and employment & education achievement.

Irene is the Keeper of the stories at Minwaashin’s Sacred Lodge which connects Indigenous women to their culture, identity and pride.

Irene Compton est cofondatrice du Minwaashin Lodge, où elle travaille depuis 30 ans. Elle est une survivante intergénérationnelle du système des écoles résidentielles. Son travail à la loge consiste à soutenir les femmes ayant survécu à des violences létales, en les aidant à élaborer des plans de sécurité, à se stabiliser, à guérir, à trouver un emploi et à suivre des études.

Irene est la gardienne des histoires de la loge sacrée de Minwaashin, qui permet aux femmes autochtones de retrouver leur culture, leur identité et leur fierté.

Hailing from Canada’s Capital region, performing artist Kathryn Patricia Cobbler has crafted a singular niche in music improvisation and classical performance. Named a CBC Trailblazer in 2021 and a recipient of one of Ottawa Arts Council’s Emerging Artist awards, she has been named one of ‘3 Classical Musicians You Should Know ‘ in 2022, by SHIFTER Magazine and the NAC. As a performing artist and educator Kathryn is a performance instructor at Carleton University, an artist on the MASC Artist roster and Teaching Artist at the NAC.

Prior to joining the Gallery in January 2021, Angela Cassie served for 10 years in progressively senior roles at the Canadian Museum of Human Rights (CMHR) in Winnipeg before stepping down as Senior Vice-President, Program, Exhibitions and Public Affairs in 2019 to pursue a mini-MBA at the McGill Executive Institute. Angela began her career at the Department of Canadian Heritage from 1998 to 2008 and served as Regional Director of Communications and Executive Services (Prairies and Northern Region). She also serves as the President of the Board of the Société de la Francophonie manitobaine and has recently completed the 2022 Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference.

Avant son arrivée au Musée, Angela a passé 10 ans au Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne à Winnipeg. Elle y a occupé des fonctions de plus en plus importantes jusqu’en 2019, où elle était vice-présidente principale, Programmes, expositions et affaires publiques lors de son départ, pour faire un mini MBA à l’Institut des cadres de McGill. Angela a commencé sa carrière au ministère du Patrimoine canadien, où elle a œuvré de 1998 à 2008, notamment à titre de directrice régionale des communications et des services exécutifs (région des Prairies et du Nord). Parfaitement bilingue, elle est également présidente du conseil d’administration de la Société de la francophonie manitobaine et a récemment participé à La Conférence canadienne du Gouverneur général sur le leadership de 2022.

People of the Little Turtle (Clan)
Keepers of the Heavens, Carriers of the Fire
Wyandot of Anderdon Nation
Wendat Confederacy

Catherine Tammaro is a multi-disciplinary artist whose practice spans decades.

Catherine is a seated Spotted Turtle Clan FaithKeeper and is active throughout the City of Toronto and beyond, in many organizations as Elder in Residence, Mentor, Teacher and Cultural Advisor. She is an alumna of the Ontario College of Art and has had a diverse career, multiple exhibits and installations, published written works and presentations and continues her creative practice.

Catherine actively supports the work and development of other artists on an ongoing basis. She served on the Board of the TAC, TAC’s Income Precarity Working Group and was the Chair of the Toronto Arts Council’s Indigenous Advisory Committee in 2020/21 and is the Indigenous Arts Program Manager at Toronto Arts Council and continues teaching, learning and exploring her creativity and that of others.

Catherine Tammaro est une artiste multidisciplinaire dont la pratique s’étend sur plusieurs décades.

Catherine est une gardienne of the Spotted Turtle Clan et est active dans la ville de Toronto et au-delà, dans de nombreuses organisations en tant qu’aînée en résidence, mentor, enseignante et conseillère culturelle. Ancienne élève de l’Ontario College of Art, elle a mené une carrière diversifiée, multiplié les expositions et les installations, publié des ouvrages et des présentations, et poursuit sa pratique créative.
et des présentations, et poursuit sa pratique créative.

Catherine soutient activement le travail et le développement d’autres artistes. Elle a siégé au conseil d’administration de la TAC, au groupe de travail sur la précarité des revenus de la TAC et a été présidente du comité consultatif indigène du Conseil des arts de Toronto en 2020/21. Elle est directrice du programme des arts indigènes au Conseil des arts de Toronto et continue d’enseigner, d’apprendre et d’explorer sa créativité et celle des autres.

Jen is a 4th generation Ukrainian Canadian, whose great-grandparents settled in Manitoba and Alberta between 1900 and 1910. She was born in Saskatoon but grew up in Australia and Alberta, and she has been working in the cultural sector for more than 25 years. As someone who moved between countries many times both as a child and as an adult, nearly always arriving to new places as a stranger, Jen has a deep appreciation for the importance of the feeling of belonging.

An art school graduate with a Master’s in Anthropology and a PhD in Public Policy, Jen has a deep interest in museum management and improving the service museums can offer to the public. She took on the role of Executive Director of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada in May 2022. Her team at the museum is small but mighty – creative, dedicated, and committed.

Tony Wong was born and raised in Hong Kong and came to Canada on a student visa in 1972. Received a bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of Calgary in 1978 and worked as a petroleum geologist until retirement in 2016. He has been working as a volunteer in the local Chinese community since 1981.

Tony has a keen interest in Chinese History and Culture, photography, hiking, camping, snowshoeing, and art.

Tiffany Thompson, founder and CEO of Nurse on Wheels Inc. & NOWI Aesthetics which is a one stop health shop geared to helping all ages receive healthcare from the comfort of their home! As a busy single mom, Ms. Thompson spends her spare time is spent with her son King, and speaking at events that help raise awareness for abuse survivors. Tiffany wants to remind everyone, regardless of their history, they can overcome any obstacle and accomplish anything through hard work and tough drive.

François Tremblay joined the National Film Board of Canada as Director General, Human Resources, in 2011 and was promoted to Director General, Human Resources, Strategic Planning and Institutional Services, in 2015. He also served as interim Director General, Distribution, Communications and Marketing, from April 2021 to September 2022.

Recognized for his leadership in governance and his extensive experience in labour relations, Mr. Tremblay is interested in questions related to diversity within the organization, notably as the person responsible for the application of the federal Employment Equity Act, which promotes equality in the workplace. He also sits on the Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions within the Government of Canada.

Mr. Tremblay came to the NFB with over 15 years’ experience in HR management positions at different organizations, including the Société des alcools du Québec, Schenley Distilleries Inc. and Québec Cartier Mining Company. His leadership and ability to deploy mobilizing strategies towards organizational transformation helped these organizations to achieve their objectives.

François Tremblay is a member of the Board of Directors of the YMCAs of Québec.

Mr. Tremblay holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Relations from Université Laval in Quebec City. He is also a member of the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés and a Chartered Director.

François Tremblay s’est joint à l’ONF en 2011 à titre de directeur général, Ressources humaines, avant d’être promu au poste de directeur général, Ressources humaines, planification stratégique et services institutionnels en 2015. Il a également exercé le rôle de directeur général, Distribution, communications et marketing par intérim d’avril 2021 à septembre 2022.

Reconnu pour son leadership en gouvernance et sa vaste expérience des relations de travail, il s’intéresse aux questions liées à la diversité au sein de l’organisation, notamment à titre de responsable de l’application de la Loi sur l’équité en matière d’emploi, qui prône l’égalité en milieu de travail. Il siège également au Conseil du Réseau des champions des langues officielles du gouvernement du Canada.

À son arrivée à l’ONF, François Tremblay avait cumulé plus d’une quinzaine d’années d’expérience dans des postes de direction des ressources humaines au sein de différentes organisations, dont la Société des alcools du Québec, les Distilleries Schenley inc. et la Compagnie minière Québec Cartier. Son leadership et sa capacité à déployer des stratégies mobilisatrices en matière de transformation organisationnelle ont contribué à l’atteinte des objectifs de ces organisations.

François Tremblay est membre du conseil d’administration des YMCA du Québec depuis 2018. Titulaire d’un baccalauréat en relations industrielles de l’Université Laval à Québec, il est membre de l’Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés et administrateur de sociétés certifié.

Proper Thing! is a Halifax Celtic Folk group who’ve all met through work, friends, school and most notably, through music. Music brings everyone together and couldn’t think of a better way to warmly welcome new friends and families to our home than an East Coast Kitchen Party!

Celtic music is a broad grouping of music genres that evolved out of the folk music traditions of the Celtic people of Northwestern Europe. It refers to both orally-transmitted traditional music and recorded music and the styles vary considerably to include everything from traditional music to a wide range of hybrids.