Un nouvelles attraction de le LPC lancée ce mois-ci


Le laissez-passer culturel offre aux membres l’accès gratuit à plus de 1 300 des principales attractions culturelles du Canada, ainsi que des rabais sur les voyages. Ce mois-ci, nous avons trois nouvelles attractions à rejoindre le laissez-passer culturel!

Voici nouvelles attractions qui offrent désormais aux membres de le LPC une entrée gratuite:

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Sharing Stories and Connections at the ROM

On October 3rd, 2024, the ROM in Toronto opened its doors to 30 new Canadian citizens, marking a significant milestone in their journey toward citizenship. This special day not only celebrated their achievements but also allowed them to create lasting memories within the museum’s rich tapestry of art and history

Building Citizenship
Ceremony Photos

Philanthropy Day Celebration at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection

On November 15th, the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Toronto hosted a special citizenship ceremony, welcoming 45 new Canadian citizens from 15 different countries. The ceremony, held in the gallery’s stunning setting, highlighted the importance of community, generosity, and the shared values that make Canada a unique and diverse nation.

Building Citizenship
Ceremony Photos

New Canadian Citizens Celebrate at Toronto Zoo: A Unique Ceremony Among the Animals

On August 16, 2024, the Institute for Canadian Citizenship hosted an enhanced citizenship ceremony with a zoo-twist at the Toronto Zoo! Coinciding with the zoo's 50th birthday this year, 48 individuals from 13 countries became Canadian citizens among the animals.

Building Citizenship
Ceremony Photos