Meet Canoo member Susan Shaw


Meet Canoo member Susan Shaw from Calgary.

Susan says that she chose to move to Canada because she wanted a country with “a future – and snow!” She loves the space, the mountains, the people, and the feeling of safety that Canada provides her.

Her favourite place to visit is Kananaskis Country, Alberta. This Alberta Parks location is full of beautiful views of the mountains and Susan spent many nights in the park during a road trip from Alberta to B.C. with her children.

Susan believes that cultural places “teach people who didn’t grow up being Canadian what the history of Canada is, how [Canada] reflects the diversity of all its citizens, from the original inhabitants through to the modern immigrants.”

Susan says she’s loved using Canoo to visit cultural venues. “I have enjoyed searching new places to visit that I would not [have] known about if I hadn’t had Canoo,” she says, “The app is so easy to use and I have [had] positive reactions from people when I show the Canoo [app]; people congratulate and welcome me as a new Canadian.”

“No matter where my birth country is,” Susan says, “first and foremost, [I am] Canadian.”


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