Meet Canoo member Harish Kashyap


Meet Canoo member Harish Kashyap!

Harish chose to come to Canada because “Canada is one of the most outstanding countries in the world where dreams come true.” He says that he could see himself and his family growing together, and living and sharing happy moments for the rest of their lives here in Canada.

“The most important thing I love about Canada is the diversity of people, where I can exchange cultural interests, grow in my career, and also provide a healthy and safe life to my family.”

Harish typically visits venues with his family; he says that sharing these trips means sharing happiness and making their family bond stronger. His favourite places that he has visited with Canoo are Banff National Park and Jasper National Park over the summer. “I went with my family and friends and their family,” Harish says, “ We experienced the breathtaking moments of Banff National Park, and we were so close to the wildlife. Being so close to the wildlife and sharing the same road while driving was the best part. It’s great to see wildlife in their real habitat! Canoo is a great app which provides hands-on information to visit the places no matter whichever part of Canada you are in. ”

Harish believes that cultural venues, including natural spaces like national parks, are important parts of building inclusion and belonging in Canada. “These are places where we learn about other people and culture closely,” he says. “Making cultural places available to everyone brings respect to other cultures while learning something new everyday.

“I can feel proud that I am representing one of the most respectful countries in the world. Inclusion to me means the feeling of being an important part of cultural diversity.”

*Some quotes have been edited for length and clarity.

Canoo gives new Canadian families access to 1400+ arts, culture spaces and parks across Canada. While Canoo is free to use, it’s not free to operate. As a charity, we rely on donations to help keep Canoo available and free for new Canadian citizens. With your generous support, we can help thousands of new Canadians and their family belong. Give the gift of Canoo! Become a monthly donor today.


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