Canoo Insights Report: Part 2


What is a Canoo Insights Report?

This is the next installment of our first Canoo Insights Report, a quarterly series started by Ideas & Insights at the Institute for Canadian Citizenship. Through these quarterly reports, we hope to:

  1. Give readers a sense of the Canoo program
  2. Reveal how Canoo is the bridge that unlocks the best of Canada to newcomers
  3. Give readers a glimpse into the moving parts of the Canoo program that make it the biggest welcome network in Canada

What is Canoo?

Canoo is a distinctly Canadian innovation that translates our country’s openness to newcomers. Through the Canoo app, Permanent Residents and new citizens get a 12-month membership that unlocks free VIP access to over 1400 locations and experiences across Canada.

Learn About the Canoo Members

Canoo was initially offered to new Canadian citizens, who make up the majority of members. With the relaunch of Canoo in May 2022, Canoo is now offered to permanent residents for the first time, and more than 15,000 permanent residents have become members since.

$45+ million

in value delivered


newcomers have participated

> 40%

of members bring children on their visits

Who is eligible to become a Canoo member?

Eligible immigrants can download the Canoo app, verify their immigration status, and gain access to tens of thousands of dollars worth of benefits + knowledge on what to do in Canada. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes

Canoo Member Lifecycle:

Download Canoo

The first step is to download Canoo through Google Play or the App store


If eligible, members will verify their immigration status on the app by scanning their PR card or citizenship certificate


Once verified, members can choose when they want the 12-month membership to begin (some may choose to activate later depending on their schedule, upcoming offers they want to use, etc.)

Check-in to Places

Once activated, members gain access to arts and cultural venues, sports events, festivals, and more than 1400+ locations

Canoo Members since 2018: 194,760

Canoo transitioned from a paper pass to a mobile app in 2018. Since becoming digital, Canoo data show that 194,760 people have become Canoo members. Of this, there are 48,250 current active Canoo members.

Time frame: May 6th, 2022 – December 12th, 2022

Total Members Since 2018

Currently Active PRs17,190
Currently Active Citizens34,510

Gender Distribution of Active Canoo Members

PR8,950 (52%)8,170 (48%)
Citizens17,190 (50%)17,320 (50%)

1) 67 Permanent Resident Canoo members identified as “no gender” or “non-binary”;

2) 25 citizen Canoo members identified as “no gender” or “non-binary

X-axis: Immigration Status, Y-axis: Canoo Members

Age Distribution of Canoo Members

Canoo serves diverse age groups, but a majority of active members are between 25 to 44 years old: 20,218 females, 19,222 males


X-axis: Age, Y-axis: Canoo Members

Canoo Members with Children

In the last 12 months, the total number of adults admitted to Canoo is more than 50,000 members. Of this, 42 percent of Permanent Residents and 49 percent of new citizens brought children to Canoo partner sites.

Has ChildrenNo Children
PR8,081 (47%)9,112 (53%)
Citizen19,684 (57%)14,826 (43%)

X-axis: Immigration Status, Y-axis: Canoo Members

Time of Day Check-in

Most Canoo members, regardless of having children or not, visit places in the afternoon to evening.

X-axis: Time of Day, Y-axis: Canoo Members

Canoo members’ Countries of Origin

Active Users by Country of Origin

X-axis: Country of Origin, Y-axis: Canoo Members

Permanent Residents
(Top 10 Countries of Origin)


PR Canoo members of Chinese Origin

(Top 10 Countries of Origin)


Citizen Canoo members of Indian Origin

In the last 12 months, the highest number of new citizen members were of Indian origin, while the highest number of permanent resident members were of Chinese origin. These trends in permanent resident and new citizen members are relatable to IRCC data on immigration and citizenship numbers, which are available to the public through the ICC’s immigration and citizenship dashboard here.

Days to Activation

Once a potential Canoo member downloads the app, how long does it take for them to activate their membership?

85% of members activate their membership within the first 30 days, and of those 67% of Canoo members check-in to their first location within the first week of activation.

% of members activating Canoo membership

Stories from Canoo

While empirical data is important, direct narratives from Canoo members are also vital. Toni Agbaje-Ojo, at the ICC, interviewed Canoo members on their experience using Canoo and covered a range of topics, from understanding what their transition to Canada was like to how Canoo helped them find a sense of belonging in Canada.

In conversation, Canoo members identified three transformative experiences:

  1. Exposure to new experiences, places, and people
  2. An increased sense of belonging in Canada
  3. Building memories and relationships within families, between newcomers and Canadians, and between newcomers and the cities they call home

Highlighted below are two Canoo members who explain their journey in Canada and use Canoo to create memories and feel connected to Canada.

As Canoo is evolving and becoming better every day, we hope that these quarterly reports help readers to understand what Canoo is, who are the people that Canoo serves, and get to know some of the partners and services that ultimately bring Canoo to life for newcomers.

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