New Horizons in Montreal: A Canadian Citizenship Ceremony
ICC celebrated 34 individuals from 15 countries as Canadian citizens in Montreal on September 26, 2023 once they took the oath of citizenship.
Zvika Rimalt is a current CAP member living in Vancouver, British Columbia. He moved to Canada from London, U.K. in May 2010 for what was initially a short term work transfer, but once in Vancouver he realized he liked the city too much to leave. During the summer of 2016, Zvika finally became Canadian citizen. Although he obtained his CAP membership shortly after, he was travelling for work and only had a chance to start taking advantage of the card in January. Since then, he’s been using his CAP membership in Vancouver and Toronto. While in Toronto, he wandered the halls at the Art Gallery of Ontario, enjoyed some delicious tea at the Roedde House Museum and explored the unique Bata Shoe Museum. Zvika is also planning to use his exclusive VIA Rail discount to take a trip from his hometown Vancouver, BC to Toronto, ON. Zvika’s recommendations to CAP members – use your Cultural Access Pass as soon as you get it!
Follow Zvika for his CAP adventures on Twitter at @ZvikaRimalt
View the March CAP Members’ Newsletter, where Zvika’s profile originally appeared
About CAP: For nearly 10 years, the Institute for Canadian Citizenship (ICC) has delivered the Cultural Access Pass (CAP), an innovative, best-in-class program that gives new citizens access to Canadian culture. It’s time to shift CAP to the digital age. Support the ICC.
New Horizons in Montreal: A Canadian Citizenship Ceremony
ICC celebrated 34 individuals from 15 countries as Canadian citizens in Montreal on September 26, 2023 once they took the oath of citizenship.
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